The Ironman 4×4 shower tent partners perfectly with the OP4 Eccotemp water heating system. This new shower design comes fitted to the OP4 cargo rack inside a durable shower box for quick set-up and ultimate privacy when outdoors.
It’s retrofittable! Add the rack-mounted shower system to your OP4 now.
Retrofitting kits are available for purchase below.
Please make sure you are purchasing the correct package for your OPUS model, build and desired functionality.
Retrofitting kits are designed for OP4 builds with the roof rack installed.
The Eccotemp shower & Ironman 4×4 tent are both retrofittable for people who have already purchased an OP4. For current OP4 owners with the Eccotemp already installed, there is an OP4 Ironman 4X4 and shower box rack mounting kit available that makes it simple to install with minor retrofitting required.
you can purchase the entire OP4 Ironman 4X4 rack mounting kit (with the water heater), which is available for shipment to install on your cargo rack.
and want the rack-mounted shower option, ask your dealership about adding the Hot Water Shower & Ironman 4×4 Tent option to your OPUS build.
Kit includes the Eccotemp water heating system, Shower box and Ironman 4×4 Shower tent w/ mounting accessories to install on your cargo rack.
Kit includes everything you need to mount the Shower box to your cargo rack and attach your already installed Eccotemp.
Kit includes everything you need to mount the Shower Box and Ironman 4×4 Shower Tent to your cargo rack and attach your already installed Eccotemp.
Kit includes the Eccotemp water heating system and Shower box w/ necessary fittings and mounting accessories to install.