Exclusive Black Friday Deals from Purple Line

Don’t miss these first-ever discounts on ALL accessories and parts!

DISCOUNTS END ON 01/01/2025​

Trailer Security Deals

20% OFF - Select Fullstop Security Products

Our first time offering a 20% Discount on Select Security Products! Protect your trailer at an unbeatable price—don’t miss out! (Only the Nemesis Pro and Saracen Classic qualify for the 20% discount, all other FullStop products are 10% off.)

Opus AIR Accessories

15% OFF - All Opus Camper AIR Accessories

Our first time offering a 20% Discount on Select Security Products! Protect your trailer at an unbeatable price—don’t miss out! (Only the Nemesis Pro and Saracen Classic qualify for the 20% discount, all other FullStop products are 10% off.)

All Black Friday Deals

10% OFF - Purple Line Parts & Accessories

Get a 10% discount on all parts and accessories available for online purchase via Purple Line USA.


Package includes: Nemesis Pro & Saracen Off-Road

The Fullstop Security Package includes a heavy-duty metal wheel lock and DO35 hitch lock. Used together, the Nemesis Pro and Saracen Off-Road provide the ultimate security for your trailer. Save 15% when you purchase the Full-Stop Security Package.